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    MOD0003480 Consumer Behaviour | The Aqua Contains

    Brief :


    Many people think that social media is a leisure activity. They think that social media existence is to connect with the people and to share what is important for them. But social media is also a business. It is billions of pounds industry which is making next generation capable as a corporate giant. There is more on social media then to jest connects with individual.

    Prepare a report in order to analyse and access the validity of this statement and explain how an understanding of consumer attitudes in any industry of your choice can make market more effective in terms of planning and control of marketing activities. Provide the importance of social media and influencers in report.  Also evaluate the range of social media channels suitable to each market segment/customer demographic.  Use relevant examples.

    Assessment Criteria

    • Understanding of the people, consumption related behaviour and develops marketing strategies which influence those behaviour.
    • Understand hoe marketing research, marketing strategy and the basic research on intra and interpersonal process perform various roles in the industry of marketing in context to the use of social media and marketing activities.


    • This task contains the application of report tools such as graphs, charts and diagrams.
    • Consider social media and its use of influencer on the implementation of consumer buyer behaviour and relevant changes.

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